We Help Medical Providers Recover the Full PIP They Deserve!
Insurance carriers regularly underpay or incorrectly pay medical professionals. Similarly, insurance carriers often withhold payments to skilled practitioners while conducting peer reviews and independent medical examinations. At Alekman DiTusa, our goal as PIP attorneys is to ensure swift payment of all medical bills.
Our experience in securing additional compensation will drive your PIP collection to a new level. We know the necessary steps to take when insurance companies try to reduce, delay, or deny payments to your practice.
Identifying the Reimbursement to Which You Are Due
Insurance companies often try to deny the medical providers that full compensation that they are due by wrongly making deductions and disallowing claims. With our experience, we can fight for you to get the full compensation to which you are entitled!
We Tenaciously Fight For Full Compensation
Insurance companies count on medical providers not knowing (or not fighting for) the full compensation to which they are entitled. When we’re involved, insurance companies know that providers are serious about obtaining the compensation that is due, which often results in the appropriate payment.
No Fee Unless You Recover
The PIP insurance company is responsible for our legal fees and costs when we are successful. As a result, virtually all of our cases settle quickly with the insurance company paying the medical provider’s bill in full plus our legal fees and expenses.
Our Philosophy
There is no reason why you or your practice should write off any bills that are owed to you by automobile insurance companies. Don’t accept fee reductions, independent medical examinations, or record reviews without a fight.
How We Can Help
- Review outstanding collectables
- Determine if there is a valid claim
- File a suit on your behalf, at no cost to you
- Fight tenaciously to get you everything to which you are entitled
We'll Help You Every Step Of The Way
From Independent Medical exams to Record Reviews and Rebuttals, we are here to help medical providers at every step of the PIP claims process.
Understanding PIP Collections
we Are Your PIP Collection Solution
When a medical provider bills a PIP insurer, the insurer generally cut bills in three ways. However, only two of these methods are even permitted by the Massachusetts PIP statute (General Laws Chapter 90 Section 34M). Insurers use: “usual and customary” rate reductions (not approved in the PIP statute); record reviews; and so-called “Independent Medical Exams” (IME). These so-called independent doctors are paid by insurance companies to challenge your treatment. However, they spend very little time reviewing records, less time examining the patient, and they are anything but independent. We have a 99% success rate in challenging all types of bill cuts.

important things you should know
Questions And Answers
The PIP Statute (GL Chapter 90 Section 34M) requires a PIP insurer to pay our fee and reimburse legal costs (which we advance on your behalf) if we are successful.
At Alekman DiTusa, we have decades of experience negotiating PIP claims. As such, it has been our experience that the vast majority of cases settle before trial (over 99%), with our clients putting 100% of their outstanding balance in their pocket, and the insurer paying our fee and reimbursing the expenses.
The Statute of Limitations for collecting PIP benefits is 6 years from the point of the insurer’s breach of contract (either the last denial or last payment to you). The longer you delay, the less money we can collect for you. Therefore, we urge you to reach out as soon as possible to schedule a complimentary consultation.
This term typically refers to the process by which an insurer performs a statistical analysis of your bill with the help of a computer database. The stated purpose of this analysis is cost control. Consequently, this often results in medical bills being entered into a computer system with the sole purpose of paying less money to a provider.
Yes! We have compassionate team members standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at any time to discuss your PIP collection needs!
Under the Massachusetts PIP Statute, “the injured person shall submit to physical examinations by physicians selected by the insurer.” To call a physician, hired by an insurance company, and who wants to continue to be hired by that insurance company, “independent” is clearly a misnomer.
Record reviews are the process by which an insurer provides medical records to a medical provider practicing under the same specialty as the treating provider. The reviewer is asked to opine whether the treatment contained in those records was accident-related and reasonable.
For years, many treating medical providers, upon receipt of a record review or IME report, would take great effort in drafting a rebuttal to the insurance company, explaining why their care of their patient was “reasonable and necessary” (again, “a good faith effort to ameliorate the patient’s pain”). The insurance adjuster, who rarely possesses any medical training, would either decide on their own whether they would “allow for” the treatment; or ask the record reviewer or IME physician whether upon reviewing the rebuttal their opinion changed. Obviously, rebuttals rarely worked, and if a provider was “lucky” they could reach an agreement for a percentage of what they were owed.
Our clients do not write rebuttals. We are their rebuttal!